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  • Writer's pictureDavid Ceron Giraldo

League of Women Voters Postcard

In my last job at the League of Women voters, I was able to tackle their old print materials. These materials weren't bad... but they weren't great either. Aside from the text-heavy approach, there were simply too many handouts at events for attendees to keep track of.

So, I worked on rewriting and redesigning the pamphlets to their minimum components, to fit into a postcard-sized handout.

One side should tell you all you need to know about the League, and the flip-side all you need to know in order to vote. While this was a challenging set of requirements, I was able to condense the information with the aid of design elements into small chunks.


My boss loved the design elements, but most of all, she loved the considerable savings in printing that the new single material will bring over time.

Adding to that, I translated the original version into Spanish to benefit Hispanic voters.


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